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The Kevin Rose Show
Using AI to as a professional coach and negotiator (bonus: my new AI podcasting co-hosts)
Using AI to as a professional coach and negotiator (bonus: my new AI podcasting co-hosts)

Using AI to as a professional coach and negotiator (bonus: my new AI podcasting co-hosts)

The Kevin Rose ShowGo to Podcast Page

Kevin Rose
4 Clips
Oct 2, 2024
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Episode Transcript
Hey everyone. Kevin Rose. Here, I am on my iPhone. I am in the middle of nowhere about two and a half hours outside of London, doing a little hike out here for a few days. But I wanted to publish a quick little podcast that tells you about a new article that I have which is all around. Creating your own custom AI agents that take in any data that you upload. And this case for the article that I wrote It's all about taking in book data. So you get a PDF of any book and you can upload it to your
Our own custom G PT. And then ask questions of that book not questions in the sense that you get quoted answers from the book but where the AI actually assimilates the information inside of the book and they can act as your mentor and help you with whatever framework is in that book. So, in the example, I give the article. I uploaded a book called crucial conversations, and it's helping me do a negotiations and a whole slew of different things that I've been using for lately. It's a really fascinating way to leverage books to
Books, become living breathing, kind of acting agents on your behalf that are your guides. Your coaches in everyday life, and you got to go check it out. So free article, it's over Kevin rose.com. But what's even more crazy is, I took that article that I wrote and I dumped it into notebook, which is a new feature from Google. That is actually a way to upload various different documents inside of this AI environment is called notebook. LM from Google and
And then you can ask questions of that data. So there's a lot of competing companies that are working more or less in the same vein. This is a Google is offering. There's also obviously Claude lets you upload their own custom files as well, and then, you can create custom GPS with chat GPT. Anyway, long story short, the one that is fun about Google and notebook, is that you can click a button and it creates a podcast from your data. So what you are about to hear right now is 100% ai0 edits.
I didn't prompt it in any way. All I did was give it the article from my actual published blog post that I put on my site and it created a podcast with to host to explain the article to you. So enjoy that, this is all Ai and then go check out the article at Kevin rose.com. Also, lastly, before we get started, I've lowered the fees on my sub stack, it's $5 a month now, primarily because it's not a business for me, but I want to have a little bit of a Walled Garden away that
If you're really into this stuff and you want to chat more about everything that's going on with AI or that's going on with, you know, Investments that were excited about or a whole slew of different topics that we cover in our chat. We have a private chat. That is for members only, it's only five dollars a month. I've been donating all the proceeds to charity, we funded some great studies. So go check that out over at Kevin rose.com, as well. And I hope to see you in chat and we'll have some fun in there. All right, enjoy this. This is AI. And remember, this is, I mean enough people said this now but
This is the worst it's ever going to be like this is in two years from now. You're not even going to know whether this is me or not. It's actually going to sound like a real legit podcast which is kind of cool because then I can to stop podcasting. I just let a I do it for me anyway. Enjoy this
ever, find yourself in that situation where you read something amazing, like some insightful advice in the book, but you can't quite figure out how to apply it to your own
life. Yeah, I totally get that. It's super common. It's like absorbing the information is one thing, right? But actually taking that and making it work for you.
And your day-to-day, that's the real
hurdle. It's like you almost wish you could have a personal coaching session with the author you know to really break down the key takeaways and figure out. Okay. How do I actually use this
advice? Absolutely, it's about making that theoretical knowledge work in a practical way and everyone's situation is different. So that's a big part of it, too.
Totally. Well, on that note, get this, you could actually use AI to basically turn any book into your own personal coach. Using this thing called custom Jeep,
Tease, exactly. And this technology, it's really changing how we learn in such a cool way because it makes it so
personalized. Okay, I have to be honest. That sounds a little intimidating techie. Can you break it down? Like what exactly is a custom GPT?
Okay, so picture this it's like having a digital version of the author right there with you ready to answer any question you have and give you advice based on their expertise and you can bet their advice comes straight from the source, the book itself.
Okay? So it's like it, learns everything.
In the book, but then how do I actually use
it. So you upload the book usually as a PDF, the AI then goes through it all. And I don't mean just skimming. It's really going deep. Processing, everything to understand the nuances, main arguments everything. And once it's done that you can ask it questions related to your own life, okay? So for example, let's say I'm prepping for this big presentation at work and I'm super nervous. I'm reading crucial conversations to get some tips. So with this, I could actually use the custom GPT
To help me prep for the presentation,
you got it, you would upload crucial conversations and then you could ask your GP T, something like, okay, how do I handle tough questions from the audience during my presentation and it would use the book strategies and give you advice specific to that situation. Just like, you had your own personal coach.
That's amazing. So, theoretically, you could have access to a personalized expert, guidance on pretty much any topic just by giving the AI, the right book.
Exactly. Think of it as having
Your own private workshop with the author, but it's tailored to you and you can do it anytime.
It really makes you think differently about how we learn, you know, it's not just passively reading anymore. It's about being able to really engage with the material and make it work in our own lives. That's exactly what custom Jeep ETS do so well. They bridge that Gap. You understand the what? But they help you figure out the how, and in a way that really matters to you, it's like having the ultimate cheat sheet, but even better because you're actually learning the how
How and the why behind it all? Yeah, totally. It's about giving you the knowledge to handle those tricky situations that come up in life, you know. Okay, so let's say I'm sold. I want in on this whole custom GPT thing. What's it like? Do I need to be some kind of tech wizard, not at all. It's getting easier to use all the time. There are platforms now where it's literally just uploading your PDF and the AI takes it from there. So just to make sure I'm getting this right. If let's say,
I have trouble giving feedback at work. Yeah. Like I want to be honest but I also don't want to be you know mean about it could I use a book on communication skills and get advice for my specific situation?
Absolutely. You could upload that book and ask your GP T something like okay how do I tell my coworker their presentation needs work without totally crushing them you know and
it would use what's in the book but make it make sense for that conversation that's wild it's like a private coaching session but with the wisdom of a whole
behind it. Exactly, that's what's so cool about it. You have this huge amount of knowledge but it helps you focus on the parts that matter. Most for your situation for what you're going through,
this makes me think about all the books I've read and wished, I could revisit with like a specific problem in mind, but I'm curious. Does it just, like, spit back quotes from the book? Or is it really understanding the information and creating something
new? It's way more than just spitting back quotes. It's trained on everything. So it understands the
Context the examples, the whole deal, then it uses all that to give you an
answer. So it's not copying its understanding, which makes me feel
better. And since it's a i it never stops learning becoming more sophisticated and how it uses the information. It
makes you rethink how we learn. It's not just knowing a lot of stuff now, it's about being able to actually use it when you need
to. That's a really important Point. There's so much information out there, but being able to use what you learn is more valuable than ever.
Totally, it's like that saying,
Which is power but only if you know how to use it. Right. Right. And this custom G, PT thing, it's like that key to unlocking that power in a way that makes sense. For
you exactly it connects that gap between just knowing something and being able to do something with that
knowledge, okay? So just to be clear, we're not saying this makes you an expert overnight or anything, right? It's more about having those tools to learn from the best and put it into
practice. Exactly. It's like having a secret weapon to help you navigate all the tricky parts of life and
Work. It's like having a whole team of experts in your back pocket, ready to share their wisdom whenever you need
it. And the coolest thing is it's becoming so much more
accessible, right? Like you don't have to be a genius or spend a ton of money.
You really don't. A lot of times, all you need is a book and the internet, that's it.
It's pretty amazing. When you think about it. Makes you wonder what's next for this whole thing.
Oh, it's changing so fast. Imagine being able to combine multiple
books. Whoa, okay. So you're saying like creating a custom GPT from
Like a bunch of different experts,
exactly. Think about it, your own personal Board of advisors all those perspectives coming
together. That's mind-blowing. The things you could do with that kind of knowledge, it's incredible.
It really is. It'll be interesting to see where this technology goes. You know, how we use it to learn in the
future. Well, this has been a really eye-opening deep dive. I agree. I know. I'm definitely rethinking how I learn and how I can use these tools to really make the most of what I
read me too. It's exciting to see how
Technology can help us learn and grow, you know.
Absolutely. And for everyone listening, we want to hear from you. What book would you choose for your own custom GPT coach? What situation would you use it for? Think about that as you explore this whole new world of a high-powered learning until next time,