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The Daily Stoic
Patience Will Be Key to Surviving This
Patience Will Be Key to Surviving This

Patience Will Be Key to Surviving This

The Daily StoicGo to Podcast Page

Ryan Holiday
5 Clips
Oct 5, 2020
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to the Daily stoic or each day. We read a short passage designed to help you cultivate the strength inside wisdom necessary for living good life each. One of these passages is based on the 2000 year old philosophy that is guided some of History's Greatest men and women for more. You can visit us daily stoic.com
Patients will be key to surviving this. We're all getting a little stir-crazy. We were just about to launch that project. We had worked on for years. We were just about to sign a deal long in the making we were about to make a career change. We're about to board a plane for a backpacking trip and now we're cooped up for who knows how long how much will it set us back at work with that client still be interested. Will it still be lucrative? Well that career still.
That Airline it's impossible to say we will have to wait weeks or months or years to find out all we know is that we've never had our patients tested quite like this when the emperor Hadrian started devising his succession plan he bumped into a problem. It wasn't just that he didn't have a son it was that a boy who he had his eye on who he thought could make it to the throne was only 17 years old and so his work around was to adopt a 51 year old man named
antoninus on the condition that he adopt and train that 17 year old boy named Marcus Aurelius given life expectancy statistics at the time Hadrian figured that this region and Mentor might be at the helm for five years Marcus Aurelius could have felt it any day. Now, he'd be getting that promotion instead antoninus lived and ruled for 23 years. It could have driven him crazy, but instead made Marcus better in the 23 years of age.
Tinnitus is rain Marcus spent just two nights away from him biographer Frank McLintock hell's us another severe test of his patients and stoical character as severe a test as it was some 30 years later Marcus would write in his journal with great adoration for those years and what he learned from his adopted father hard work persistence self-reliance always respect for people who practiced philosophy think of Seneca spending years in Exile.
I'll think of Epictetus having to wait until he was Thirty that's how long the minimum term of slavery was in Roman times until he could be free think of Stockdale in that prison camp for close to a decade. These were not easy situations. They were not short weights but these stoics endured them. They survive them they chose to be made better for them. Just as we can choose to be made better for what we are going through right now who knows how long it will last who knows if
Projections are right. All we can do is work hard persist be self-reliant practice philosophy. You can lead a good life anywhere Marcus Aurelius wrote including in a lockdown during a pandemic. You just have to be patient
and you have to choose to be productive.
Thanks for listening to the Daily stoic podcast. If you could leave us a review on iTunes, it helps a great deal and of course if you know anyone who would benefit from these messages,
Please spread the word. Thanks.