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Citrus Power

Citrus Power

Nutrition Facts with Dr. GregerGo to Podcast Page

Michael Greger, M.D.
5 Clips
Aug 26, 2021
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It's crazy. When you think about all the different kinds of foods, we eat we just swallow and hope it all works out for the best. Well, it turns out there are better ways to think about keeping our bodies humming healthfully along. Welcome to nutrition facts. I'm your host. Dr. Michael Greger today. We discover the powerful properties of citrus, Target, lemons, limes, citroen's bitter. Orange grapefruit. Pomelo. Mandarin grapefruits. Clementine kumquats.
It's actually one of my favorite citrus fruits is the kumquat because you can eat the whole fruit peel and all which is ideal because the DNA repairing enzyme boosting powers of citrus appear to be concentrated in the peel.
New data demonstrating, a DNA, protective agent was presently some fruits and vegetables found that it was heat sensitive and determined it was not vitamin C confirmed in a study that tried vitamin C directly and found no effect on D.
A protection and repair of DNA, strand, breaks. The carotenoid beta. Crypt is xanthine, found primarily in Citrus seems at least one candidate. If you expose cells to a mutagenic chemical you can cause physical breaks in the strands of DNA but in less than an hour, our DNA repair enzymes can weld most of our DNA back together. But if you add some of that Citrus phytonutrient, you can effectively double the speed at which DNA is repaired.
Where'd this is all just cells in a Petri dish. What about in a person? If you have people drink a glass of orange juice and draw their blood two hours later, the DNA damage you can induce with an oxidizing chemical drops. Whereas if they just had like orange Kool-Aid, didn't help. So do people who eat more fruit walk around with less DNA damage. Yes, particularly in women. Does this actually translate into lower cancer rates? It appears so citrus
Loan associated with a 10% reduction in odds of breast cancer given to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, Citrus phytonutrients were found to concentrate in breast tissue, though. Many complained of citrus burps due to the concentrated extract. They were given. So researchers evaluated topical application as an alternative dosing strategy, recruiting women to apply orange flavored massage oil to their
Tests daily. This request was met with excellent compliance, but it didn't work. We actually have to eat our food. Why not? Just take carotenoid supplements to boost our DNA repair because it doesn't work. Although dietary supplements did not provoke any alteration. DNA repair dietary supplementation with carrots. Did this suggested the hole?
Food may be important, in modulating, DNA repair processes. The orange juice consumption was found protective against childhood. Leukemia. It was not found protective against skin cancer. However, the most striking feature was the protection, purported by citrus peel consumption who eats orange peels, lots of people evidently just drinking orange juice, may increase the risk of the most serious type.
Type of skin cancer daily consumption was associated with a 60% increase in Risk. So again, better to stick with the whole fruit and you can eat citrus extra hole by zesting peel into your dishes.
Next, we look at how phytonutrients and citrus such as his paradin, increased blood, flow sufficient to warm the hands and feet of those with colds and sativa T in
1936, Albert szent-györgyi, who won the Nobel Prize for discovering vitamin C.
Scribe date vitamin P which we now know encompasses, a class of thousands of phytonutrients called flavonoids. Some like we're Sittin are widespread and plant-based foods. You can tell something is widespread in the plant kingdom, when you can even find it in iceberg, lettuce, others. However are only found in specific plant families. For example, has spared in is found primarily in citrus fruits.
This may be one of the reasons out of all the different types of fruits that have been looked at. Citrus may help cut our risk of stroke. The most, the Citrus phytonutrient has spared in increases blood flow, using a machine called a Doppler fleximeter. You can measure blood flow through the skin. Using a laser beam. A laser Doppler fleximeter sounds like something from Back to the Future.
And if you give people the amount of his spirit and found in two cups of orange juice, blood flow goes up though. If you instead just give them the orange juice itself, that works even better. So, there's other beneficial stuff. Besides, just the spared in, in Citrus. For example, if you measure the changes in genetic expression, orange juice consumption, induces changes in the expression in 3,000 of our genes, whereas, his burden alone only module.
The expression of about 2,000 still Millie. Mm, stretches of our DNA expressed differently because we consume just one of the thousands of phytonutrients and plants pretty mind-blowing. And these changes in blood flow or not. Just kind of in theory, researchers have taken volunteers with cold sensitivity, cold hands, cold feet. Put them in an air-conditioned room and measured the temperature of their fingertips. After drinking a placebo, drink like
Orange Kool-Aid versus drinks with two doses of actual Citrus phytonutrients in the Kool-Aid group. Their fingers got colder and colder dropping nearly nine degrees Fahrenheit, but the fingers of those consuming low or high doses of citrus didn't as much, that's because their blood flow remained steady, when were exposed to cold temperature, our body starts to clamp off peripheral blood flow.
Keep our core warm, but if you eat a bunch of oranges before you go skiing your risk of frostbite, may go down, since you're keeping up your blood flow to your fingers and toes.
They even took these poor women and plunge their hands into some chilly water, their finger temperature, rebounded, faster towards normal in the Citrus group.
Of course, having warm hands is nice, but maintaining blood flow to your fingers is not as important as maintaining blood flow to your brain.
Finally, today. We look at how daily citrus fruit consumption during athletic training May reduce muscle fatigue as evidenced by lower blood lactate concentration,
the same lactic acid that makes yogurt Tangy is the same lactic acid builds up in our muscles when we exercise strenuously.
Instead of bacteria from entering the sugar and milk to make energy for themselves are muscles for men. Sugar, in our diet, to produce energy to contract. If like when we're sprinting blackduck acid, builds up in our muscles faster than it can be removed. We can end up with a burning sensation in our muscles. Forcing us to stop. Now. If we train, we can increase the number of blood vessels in our muscles and clear out the lactate faster. For example, you take some overweight sedentary women and start them on an aerobic.
Training program of running walking at the end of three months, there lactate levels, during exercises, decrease 17%. But those on the same program, who drank two cups of orange juice a day, decrease the levels 27%, They did the same exercise program, but the Citrus group experienced a significant decrease in blood lactate concentration, signifying Improvement in physical performance with less muscle fatigue. I don't recommend drinking juice because
as you're losing all that wonderful fiber, that slows the rate of fruit sugar absorption into our system. So the whole fruit is nearly always better than fruit juice. Now, this is not to say OJ isn't better than Coke. OJ has those Citrus phytonutrients like hiss paradin, which may be, why the women's triglycerides didn't go up, even though they're drinking two cups of fruit juice. Every day. His spirited may actually help lower our digestion of fats, but once you get up to three cups a day of
You can really start bumping up your triglycerides.
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